
The Narwhal

The Walrus

Hakai Magazine

  • So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    We started Hakai Magazine over 10 years ago because the ocean and its coastlines needed a voice. No other outlet was exclusively covering issues at the interface of sea and land—or of the marine world in general. After all these ...

Alternatives Journal


    With apologies to Max, the central character in Maurice Sendak’s 1963 classic Where The Wild Things Are, and his arduous journey “in and out of weeks and through a day and into the night of his very own room”, Alice the Moose puts his to shame. Alice left her home park in

  • The Journey to 2071: An Earth Odyssey

    Dear Reader, We are excited to present to you our third issue from 2021, “The Journey to 2071: An Earth Odyssey”. In this issue, we aim to mentally enter the year 2071, with the assumption that we made it to that point, and tell stories from our journeys to getting

  • They Call It Worm. They Call It Lame. That’s Not Its Name.

    “Move over murder hornets. A new insect has people bugging out,” begins a segment for evening news viewers across the country. The story continues, but most can’t help but pause and question what just came out of their television speakers. Murder hornets? Murder hornet has become the popularized name for

Briarpatch Magazine

The Tyee

    Canadian Dimension

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